Phone (208) 735-8810 or Email With the Form Below

Palmer's Auto ShopPalmer’s Automotive Repair is a Napa Auto Car Care Center . We are located  1811 Addison Ave. E.,  Twin Falls, ID   83301 (208) 735-8810

You can request an appointment with our online appointment form or just want to contact us directly with the following form. We will get back to you to verify your appointment. Unless you are getting a quick service that just takes a few minutes it’s usually best to plan on dropping your vehicle off for the repair work or maintenance to be performed.

If you want to write a review about your experience with our company we would love to hear from you. Reviews help us spread the word about the automotive services we provide. We would appreciate it if you would take the time to review the services Palmer’s Automotive Repair provided.

You can also upload personal photos of you or your car what at our shop. This lets other know you take your vehicle to Palmer’s and that you trust their work, since your sharing it for others to see.

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